Anime and Manga Industry Suffers Billions in Losses Due to Piracy


The anime and manga industry in Japan has incurred significant financial losses due to rampant piracy, leading to a need for urgent countermeasures. A study reveals that the industry lost between 1.95 to 2.20 trillion yen in 2022 alone. Find out the global impact of piracy and the efforts being made to protect the interests of content creators.

The Devastating Impact of Piracy on the Anime and Manga Industry

The anime and manga industry in Japan has been facing significant financial losses in recent years due to the rampant piracy of their content. This has prompted the urgent need for countermeasures to protect the interests of content creators and ensure the industry’s sustainability.

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( Credit to: Animehunch )

A study conducted by PwC Consulting LLC, commissioned by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Content Overseas Distribution Association (CODA), has shed light on the staggering extent of the damages. The findings reveal the magnitude of the losses incurred by the anime and manga industry, emphasizing the need for immediate action.

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( Credit to: Animehunch )

Unveiling the Extent of Financial Losses

The study estimates that the anime and manga industry alone suffered losses ranging from 1.95 to 2.20 trillion yen (approximately 14 to 16 billion USD) in 2022 due to piracy. This represents a five-fold increase compared to previous estimates from a survey conducted in 2019. The damages encompass various forms of media, including video, publishing, music, and games. In 2021, the global market size for these industries was estimated to be around 98 trillion yen.

The anime industry accounted for losses ranging from approximately 906.5 billion yen to 1,429.7 billion yen, while the manga industry faced losses of around 395.2 billion yen to 831.1 billion yen. The remaining losses were distributed among the music and gaming sectors.

Interestingly, the estimated losses for the manga industry in 2022 were lower than those reported in 2021. According to a survey conducted by the Association of Japanese Publishers (ABJ), the manga industry alone lost 1.19 trillion yen (approximately 8.76 billion USD) in 2021 due to illegal consumption through piracy sites.

The Global Impact of Piracy on Japanese Content

To assess the global impact of piracy, consumer surveys were conducted in Japan, the U.S., France, China, Brazil, and Vietnam in 2022. The aim was to determine the number of individuals resorting to pirated content, the amount consumed per person, and the resulting damages. Based on the findings, it was estimated that approximately 6,511.6 billion yen to 7,851.0 billion yen worth of pirated Japanese content was being distributed worldwide across all four media platforms.

Experts were consulted to validate these estimates, taking into account the conversion rate of pirated content to legitimate versions and the results of questionnaire surveys and expert hearings. The study concluded that the total damage caused by piracy in 2022 for Japanese content distributed online amounted to approximately 1.95 to 2.20 trillion yen.

Combatting Piracy: Implementing Countermeasures and Protecting Content Creators

In response to these alarming figures, the Content Overseas Distribution Association (CODA) has reaffirmed its commitment to implementing countermeasures and combatting copyright infringement overseas. CODA, established in 2002 as a voluntary organization, collaborates with government agencies, industry organizations, and content holders to address piracy and promote the international distribution of Japanese content, including music, films, animation, TV programs, and video games.

The association aims to create an environment where legal content from Japan can thrive, ensuring that content creators receive fair compensation for their work. Through collaborative efforts between industry stakeholders, government agencies, and organizations like CODA, it is hoped that the tide of piracy can be stemmed, allowing the vibrant and innovative Japanese content industry to flourish both domestically and internationally.

Conclusion: Protecting the Future of Anime and Manga

The financial losses suffered by the anime and manga industry due to piracy have reached unprecedented levels, draining billions of yen from the market. The study conducted by PwC Consulting LLC highlights the urgent need for comprehensive measures to combat piracy and protect the interests of content creators.

Through the dedication and collaborative efforts of organizations like CODA, along with the support of government agencies and industry stakeholders, it is hoped that effective countermeasures can be implemented to curb piracy. By safeguarding the rights of content creators and fostering an environment of respect for intellectual property, the anime and manga industry can continue to thrive and captivate audiences worldwide.

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